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Livros, uma paixão partilhada: The rise of BookTok: meet the teen influencers pushing books up the charts



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George R.R. Martin Teases That the 'Game of Thrones' Book Series Will End 'Differently'

"I will make no predictions on when I will finish," Martin said. "Every time I do, assholes on the internet take that as a 'promise', and then wait eagerly to crucify me when I miss the deadline. All I will say is that I am hopeful.”



Prémios literários

Ali Smith wins Orwell prize for novel taking in Covid-19 and Brexit

The Winners of the 2021 Indigenous Voices Awards Have Been Announced!



Por ler

The Classicist Who Killed Homer



Livros no meu radar

Eu adoro a Jenny Lawson.

É absolutamente hilariante e se têm Scribd, recomendo que comecem com Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things

Estou mortinha por terminar o audiobooks que tenho em mãos ouvidos, para ouvir Broken (in the Best Possible Way).

Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)



George Orwell, escritor e jornalista britânico (m. 1950).


We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness


Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

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